Revesby Cong Netball Teams
Registrations are now open for our 2023 season
We are excited to announce that registrations for our 2023 season are now open. To register head to our registration section using the button below. Note that while registration forms will be accepted via email or hard copy, a signed copy is required to be lodged prior to the commencement of the season.
Age Divisions
Sub Juniors
for players aged 7, 8 or 9 as of the 1st January (year of season)
for players aged 10 or 11 as of the 1st January (year of season)
for players aged 12 or 13 as of the 1st January (year of season)
for players aged 14 or 15 as of the 1st January (year of season)
for players aged 16 or 17 as of the 1st January (year of season)
for aged 18 years and over
Game day and times
The 2023 netball season competition commences on Saturday 29 April 2023 with Round 1 games.
The season concludes with finals held over the last two Saturdays in August.
Further information on team draws, results and standings can be found at Olds Park Netball Association website as they are released.
Sub Junior & Junior Teams
1 pm Olds Park Peakhurst
Other Teams
2:15 pm or 3:30 pm (depending on schedule) Olds Park Peakhurst
Netball Registration Information 2023
Registrations are now open.
Links to the forms can be found under the "Registration Pack (2023)" heading below.
Note that registrations close Friday 3 March 2023.
Copies of our information sheet and relevant registration forms can be found below
RCCNC 2023 Information Sheet (A one-page summary of the information found below)
RCCNC 2023 Registration Form (Suitable for downloading and printing as a hard copy)
RCCNC Registration Form 2023 (Editable word document)
Once a form has been completed please email it to
$60 for Under 16’s
(at at 1 January 2023)
and $75 for players 16 years and over
(as at 1 January 2023).
Payment of these fees may be made by cash, cheque or direct bank deposit. We also accept Active Kids Sports Vouchers as payment for the 2023 season. Please note that you will not receive change from your voucher should your costs not meet its full value.
A minimum deposit of $30 is required at time of registration and all fees must be finalized prior to the commencement of the season.
Details for direct deposit are :
St George Bank
Name of Account : Revesby Congregational Church Sunday School Netball Club
BSB : 112-879
Account Number : 039648867
If you are making a payment via direct deposit, please also send an email to notifying us of the payment.
Sub Juniors for players aged 7, 8 or 9 as of the 1st January 2023.
Juniors for players aged 10 or 11 as of the 1st January 2023.
Inters for players aged 12 or 13 as of the 1st January 2023.
YP for players aged 14 or 15 as of the 1st January 2023.
Senior for players aged 16 or 17 as of the 1st January 2023.
Opens for aged 18 years and over.
All players are required to wear a uniform. Our uniform is an orange polo shirt with black skirt, skort or shorts.
Netball shirts cost $36 and are only available through the club. This year we have sourced our shirts through a new supplier. To guarantee your order please submit your request to purchase a club shirt with your registration.
Shirt orders are to be placed by Friday 3 March 2023, a sizing chart is attached for your reference. Shirts ordered after 3 March 2023 may incur an additional postage fee.
The plain black skirt, skort or shorts can be purchased at places like Kmart, Best & Less and Big W.
Information about training days and times will be advised once teams are established. (As a guide, in 2022 training was held from 4.10-5pm on Monday afternoons and in 2021 training was held on Thursday afternoons).
There is a training afternoon for umpires on Saturday 22 April 2023. Please acknowledge your interest in umpiring on your registration form. In accordance with OPNA rules, all Opens teams are to nominate a minimum of 2 umpires per team prior to registration with OPNA.
Important Dates
The following is taken from the OPNA website.
Please confirm these details with those published there before making any plans.
Season usually commences after the NSW Term 1 school holidays depending on when Easter falls
No play on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd (School Holidays)
First day of play: 29th
Play: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
Play: 3rd, 17th, 24th only
No play: 10th (long weekend)
Play: 1st
This is the first weekend of school holidays
No play: 8th & 15th (School holidays)
Play: 22nd & 29th
Play: 5th
Play: 12th
This will be the last scheduled day of play for most teams. Subs will have a Gala on the Grass Courts.
Semis & Finals: 19th, 26th
This figure is calculated using the 29th April as start date meaning play starts after Anzac Day and NSW Term 1 school holidays. 13 weeks of play also assumes no weeks are lost to rain.
About our club

Our Netball Club is an outreach of the Revesby Congregational Church. We play in the Olds Park Netball Association (OPNA). The competition is held at Olds Park, Peakhurst during the netball season, usually from April through to August.
Games are scheduled to played on Saturday afternoons. Game times are 1pm, 2.15pm and 3.30pm (unless otherwise advised). Sub Junior and Junior games are usually played at 1pm with other age divisions scheduled for either the 2.15 or 3.30pm games slots.
Training takes place during the week in the local area. Information about training days, times and location will be advised once teams for the year are established.

Registrations open in late January for the upcoming season. Any player is free to join our club provided they are willing to comply with the rules of our club and the Association. The object of this association is to “provide fellowship and unity among girls on the field of sport”. Results for the past weekend’s matches are usually posted to the site a few days after they have been played.
As part of our commitment to providing a safe place for children to learn about Jesus, we follow a Child Protection Policy for all our ministries to children.
A copy of this Policy is available by emailing the church office.
For further information and/or registration forms, please contact: