About CreateART
Welcome to our CreateART page. CreateART consists of weekly Adult and Kids Art classes hosted by Revesby Congregational Church during NSW school terms. Take a look around to find our more about us or click on one of the buttons below to go directly to the relevant section.

CreateART classes for Adults
Create art class for adults at Revesby Congregational Church is set up as a social, creative environment where individuals can
- learn the basics of art in the area they would like to pursue and
- build up to feeling confident to come up with project ideas or try new things.
We enjoy morning tea in the middle of our time together, and we are most welcoming of new people.

CreateART classes for Kids
Create art class for kids at Revesby Congregational Church has been running for around eight years now. Some of the students who came along at the beginning are all grown up, but hopefully they will remember their time being creative and having fun here.
Each term I focus on a different theme. This involves a medium (clay, paint, fabric, pencil, printmaking etc), a focus on a subject (birds, dots, colour, animals etc) or an art period or specific artist.
As the kids are having fun, they don’t always realise that they are learning the elements of art including tone, line, shape, colour, perspective, form, etc.

When we run classes
Each year is run according to the school year for both adults and kids. This means that there are four terms with 2 to 3 weeks break between and of course a longer break over summer.

End of year display
At the end of the year I set up an exhibition, showing as much work from the year as I can in the church hall or foyer.

Goals for CreateART
My goals for CreateART for both adults and kids are that they are able to enjoy exploring creativity in a fun, relaxed, no pressure environment where everyone is able to focus on what they love doing individually within each project.
Class Details
Adult classes are held on Mondays, meeting at 9:30 am and finishing at 11:30 am. As always, we will have time for a little bit of scrumptious morning tea in the middle.
Classes for kids are held on Mondays from 4–5 pm during the NSW school term. The dates for CreateART classes in term 1 (2023) are as follows
Start date: Monday February 13
Last Class before holiday break: Monday April 3
Our focus this term will be called ‘big-small-big’ where we explore drawing and painting while looking at our world from a different perspective.
If you are a new family joining us at art, please fill in the sign-in form each week which is on the table as you come in (please ask me for it if there is not one already out).
There is no set fee for Adult classes just a gold coin donation for the morning tea
Fees are the same as in 2023 for kids classes being $5 per child per week.
For those who would like to pay upfront the cost will be as follows:
New students – $35 for the term (the first week is free)
Returning students – $40 for the term
Class Times
CreateART (Adults)
CreateART (Kids)
Class Photos